quiet generator - high noise imageThe Quietest Generator?

So you’re looking for a quiet generator?  What about the quietest inverter generator?  This article will answer that question, but the answer cannot give you the absolute brand and model, because of the many factors that affect the sound produced and how it is measured.  So let’s start this explanation up and see how much noise we can make (pun intended).

The image above is meant to be humorous.  Sorry if it’s not.  The truth is, work safety organizations actually limit the amount of time that you can work in high noise areas.

The unfortunate thing is, some generators are so noisy that they WOULD have a limit to working with them.

There is one absolute statement we can make: inverter generators are the quiet generators.  These generators are quieter than an equally powered standard generator.  This is determined by the mechanics of how they work and from what materials they are made.  You can read about the differences between standard and inverters on this site.  But if quiet is what you must have, then look no farther than inverter generators.

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